Saturday, December 31, 2011

Have I died and gone to heaven?

After some networking at the laundromat, I was invited to join the aqua aerobics group at the Harborview Reef Pool, otherwise known as the "gab and splash". With the surf roaring in the background and the sun shining on our shoulders, we exercised up a frenzy, while laughing and talking. "The girls" filled me in on why they love to spend their winters here. Some were live aboards, some had graduated to cottages, but they all loved the wonderful natural beauty of the island, and they kept themselves busy with community activities, gardening, it got me thinking about spending the winters in Hope Town,
Andy and I headed up island to the Abaco Inn for lunch. This wonderful spot sits high on a hill between the Sea of Abaco and the Atlantic Ocean...breathtaking views and warm breezes.  For the frosting on the cake there was a golf cart parade at 5:30. With the cruisers sitting on the stone wall holding Tervis Tumblers of cocktail  juice, we cheered and shouted New Year greetings as the go carts rolled by, each decorated with imagination creativity. This was  followed by a reggae band, fireworks and a restful rocking of the boat for a good night's sleep.. Have I died and gone to heaven?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Last day for the Christmas Crew

Farewell to Emily, Amy and Scott!

The Christmas Crew is leaving today.  We will miss their wonderful company and their helpful crewing. It takes teamwork to make this ship happen and the experience is better when shared. We motored back from Hope Town this morning, wind was blowing up to 30 knots and there was a chop on the sea.  Preparing for airport trips and I will have one final coaching on the picture portion of the blog.  We will try to keep up the journal, but will miss the technical expertise that the kids shared.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quiet Day on the Waterfront

After a raucous night at Bingo, some of us returned to the boat and some of us stayed out to party. Whether you were on the boat or at the bar, the band was equally heard. Today was a quiet recovery day, with some kayaking, a trip up to the top of the Hope Town lighthouse with some gorgeous views.  We enjoyed some some local color at the Pig Roast to benefit the Hope Town sailing team. It was pork, rice and peas, with a local drink called the Swiggle...gin and coconut water. . Some of us have temporarily stopped day drinking, we need to recharge those brain cells.
Preparations at the Pig Roast

Double Diamond in the Harbour

View from Hope Town light

Mother Daughter top of the light

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Celebrations

On Christmas Eve day, we took the boat to Great Guana Cay and got ourselves to Nipper’s. They had the Patriots game on, so we watched a bit and took a walk on the beautiful beach. Then we headed back to the boat and decorated for Christmas – there were garlands, Gorham silver snowflakes, a Santa flag, stockings hung in the cockpit, and of course, our tree. Christmas Eve dinner was the feast of one locally caught fishes on the grill.

We woke up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought us. Our stockings were full – we must have been good boys and girls! Santa brought everyone a Nipper’s tattoo! Judy managed to make the traditional Christmas morning casserole and the usual mimosas!  There was plenty of Christmas music on the iPod.

Once we were done with the morning festivities, we anchored off Fowl Cay. Then we dinghied out to the ocean side for some snorkeling on the circular reef – it was pretty impressive – lots of varieties of coral and lots of colorful fish of all sizes! That evening we went to Man of War Cay, and had a Christmas dinner of London Broil, potatoes, and green beans, followed by a special Christmas pie that Judy & Em made.

Today we kayaked in the harbor of Man of War Cay and then anchored off the Cay for some swimming and relaxation – the water was so clear, and the bottom so sandy that we felt like we were in a swimming pool. Emily took the Bos’n chair up the mast to see the view.

Now we’re back in Hopetown – it’s Bingo night at Captain Jack’s and tomorrow there’s a pig roast on the town dock!

Watching the Pats win at Nippers!


the Santa flag!

Our Christmas tree, all decorated

the stockings were hung in the cockpit with care....

Mimosa time!

showing off our Nipper's tattoos! How they got here, we haven't a clue...

the Double Diamond Christmas crew

Double Diamond in Man-o-War Cay
kayaking in M-o-W Cay harbor
Doesn't it look like a swimming pool? That's the Sea of Abaco.
Emily needed a Time Out after too many Painkillers...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

T'was the night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the boat
Not a creature was stirring, the rum bottles were stowed.

The stockings were hung in the cockpit with care
With hope that dark chocolate soon would be there.

Then up on the deck there arose such a clatter
Andy arose from his Kindle to see what was the matter.

And then what did his wondering eyes see
But a shimmering sloop and eight fish of the Cays.

With a little old sailor so lively and quick
Andy knew in a moment he must be St. Nick!

And up the anchor line St. Nicholas flew
With a sloopful of rum and tattoos for two.

And then in cockpit, this jolly old elf.
Andy laughed at the sight in spite of himself.

He was dressed all in fur from his head to his toes -
It was totally inappropriate for the isles Abacos.

He said not a word but unloaded his bag
And gave the sailors all of their schwag.

Then, laying his finger aside of his nose
Up the mast, and the rigging, Santa Claus rose.

On Nipper,’s on Pete’s, on Jack’s, and on Snappa’s
On Grabber’s, on Jib Room, on Curly’s, and on Cracker’s!

He rose to the masthead and before he sailed out of sight,
He called, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree!

Finished up Thursday at Pete’s Pub – dinner under the stars and the t-shirts. Amy had no success at the hook game, despite persistence and training by the expert. Friday morning we gathered greens for our Christmas tree, and sailed northward towards Hopetown. It was so warm, we just had to stop at Tahiti Beach, where naked women swam out to our boat and gave us tropical drinks. After a swim we made it the rest of the way to Hopetown, where we got some ice cream and martinis (it was Martini Madness at Captain Jack’s, after all). After we returned to the boat, we decorated our Christmas tree, which Judy assembled during our sail. Scott spotted what we thought was a sea snake swimming by off the transom, but after Judy & Emily went back to Captain Jack’s and had a marine biologist buy them shots, we were convinced that it was just an eel.

At Pete's Pub

Warwick Neck Garden Club at work

Drinks brought by naked ladies at Tahiti Beach

we all scream for ice cream!

Martini Madness! Blue!

at Captain Jack's

The Hopetown candycane lighthouse lit up for Christmas

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pete's Pub or bust!

Sailed to an isolated anchorage off Tilloo Cay where we began some snorkeling adventures. Andy was as colorful as the fish in his bright red rash guard and bright green scuba do rag. We saw some fantastic star fish, angel fish, and the colorful, but poisionous lionfish. This morning we sailed down the Abaco Sound to arrive in Little Harbor, just in time for a pina colada and a noon time swim. We did a little more snorkeling this afternoon, but have chilled down to lots of  R&R. Tonight we have reservations at Pete's Pub. We may be the only people at this seaside shack. We'll let you know. The weather is beautiful, found lots of shells and coral while beachcombing.
Emily finished her book!

Scott with Andy the elf in his Scuba Do-Rag

The Double Diamond looking good in Little Harbour


Slow down for Pete's Pub!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Emily arrived in time for the rum tasting!

The Christmas Crew is in tact! Emily arrived today and met some friends at the airport who gave her a ride via the liquor store and a beer! We had a nice sail downwind back from Hopetown after a morning swim. Sunny weather and clear water!  After Emily arrived, we started to make some rum drinks, but then decided we needed to taste the assortment of rums on board first. Now to dinner!

Last night's dinner - grilled chicken with Uncle Buck's homemade BBQ sauce!

Scott chilling on the foredeck

Emily arrives with her duffel, liquor store purchases and beer!

The beginning of the rum tasting!

Monday, December 19, 2011

All arrived safely to Marsh Harbour. First night spent at Snappas watching the Pats, drinking rum and chilling down. Today we sailed to Hope Town which is on Elbow Cay. Had a nice walk looking for authentic Bahamian Christmas decorations. Emily arrives tomorrow. Santa arrives on Sunday.
Palm fruits - Christmas decorations or port & starbord?

Bahamanian cottage and Christmas tree

Scott and Amy in Hopetown harbor

windswept palms on the ocean side of Elbow Cay

Scott with the nutcracker

Double Diamond with the Capetown Lighthouse!

Andy, Judy, and Scott on a Hopetown bench

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bahamas Bound

Christmas is coming and we are heading out to set up our tree and hang tinsel on the lines on the Double Diamond. All plans are for Judy, Andy, Amy and Scott to arrive in Marsh Harbor on Sunday. We will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of Emily to round out our Christmas Cruise Crew. Stay tuned for the photos of the decorated Double Diamond and some tropical Christmas scenes. Sure hope Santa can find us this year!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Blogger

We left Man-O-War, for a short hop to Hopetown, where we stayed 2 nights. We talked to Ron Engle, the guy who handles Maine Cat charters from Hopetown. The second day we went south a ways to a snorkeling location, saw a variety of small fish.

Next stop was Marsh Harbour, near the airport that Bert & Deana left from. Dave and Andy are now fending for themselves. Andy is the new blogger.

The next day we spent doing laundry, grocery & beer shopping, cleaning, and making arrangements to leave the boat in a safe location while Dave & I fly back for a couple of weeks. We've jointly taken over the cooking, our first dinner pasta & sauce with Italian sausage. We did fine. When I figure out haw to attach a picture, I'll do that.

There may not be much blogging for a while, as we are flying home soon. Andy, Judy, Emily, Amy, and Scott will head for the boat around Christmas, hopefully with good weather. Then Dave and Jeanne will Arrive at New Years.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Heading Home

Bert and I are heading home to Idaho today. Our time on the boat was, for the most part, good. But we have been gone from our home, pets, family and friends for too long.
Andy and Dave will be heading north for a short while, then back to the Bahama's to continue the adventure. From now on you will receive posts from Andy or Judy.
Thanks for playing!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Man O' War Cay

We sailed with the main sail and jib up today to Man O' War Cay. It is a smaller island than Marsh Harbor, we were told that there is a nice beach we can walk to here. We were getting tired of sitting out in the harbor with nothing much to do. We did take walks around town, into the grocery store, checked out the small gift shops, priced dockage at various marina's. The harbor here is more protected, so hope we don't get as much wind as we did in MH. It has rained most evenings, lots of clouds, wind and cooler temps. Although 70 is far warmer than we will encounter when we arrive home to Idaho.

Our Thanksgiving was nice, the restaurant cooked all our favorites. Stuffed ourselves, like usual. The restaurant played Christmas music, so hard to fathom that Christmas is around the corner. The Christmas decorations we have encountered seem to out of place here. We will get a good reminder when we fly into SLC and see snow. Yikes!

Tomorrow we are talking about sailing to Hope Town, which is upwind and not very far. There is a cool light house there that we climbed in the last time we were down here.

I am posting photo's taken in other Cay's, but thought you might enjoy seeing some of the places we have been.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Marsh Harbor

Accessing the internet has gotten difficult, even when we are supposed to have access it may not work. That's the reason you have not heard from me for a couple of days.

We actually spent two days in Green Turtle Cay, the second day we rented a golf cart and drove into the town of New Plymouth. Cute little town, I took photos, but can't download them onto the marina's computer... The town was decorated for Christmas, real weird viewing Santa's, wreath's, and poinsettia's with a back drop of palm trees and sand.

The next day (yesterday) we did a very short sail to Guana Cay, we wanted to go to Nippers to sip rum drinks and take a walk on the most amazing white, sugar sand beach. The beach is very long, protected by a very beautiful coral reef. Wish I could post photo's, because I took plenty.

Today we sailed to Marsh Harbor and are docked at Harbor View Marina. We took time to have lunch and walk to the grocery store. Apparenly you "couldn't miss it", but we did.... finally found it and got plenty hot on our walk. We will check off the dock tomorrow morning and then get a mooring ball or anchor in the harbor. We have a reservation to have Thanksgiving Dinner at a nice restaurant across from the marina. Whoo hoo! Turkey and stuffing with a choice of peas and rice!

I hope you all have a very nice Thanksgiving. We miss you all. Bert and I are ready to come home, but uncertain about the cold and snow. We might have to hole up in the house with the fireplace on full blast.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Green Turtle Cay

We sailed to Green Turtle Cay yesterday, we sailed the whole way with the main sail and jib up. Usually we have the engine going too, so yesterdays sail was really fun. The Green Turtle Cay is very nice, good showers, nice people. A couple docked next to use recognized his boat from a sailing trip Andy does in Maine every year. They gave us a lot of good information on getting phone service and internet service while we are here.
Today we are going to sail to Marsh Harbor, then settle in until Bert and I fly out. It will be nice to stay in one place for a while, it gets tiring to be on the move all the time. We will be able to re-stock and explore the island.
My bug bites are better, my dad e-mailed me with a remedy, thanks dad!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spanish Cay

On Wednesday we traveled from Florida to the West End, Bahamas. We arrived in the afternoon, then took an hour or so to get our travel documents in order. While we waited for Andy to get our documents recorded Dave, Bert and I had to stay on the boat. I think I reported that there were an abundance of no-see-ums that were biting us. We all got thoroughly bitten, I am the only one we had an allergic reaction. My arms, neck, ankles, and elbows are rife with swollen bumps. I look like I have the measles. Did I mention that these suckers itch? I am taking an antihistamine to counter act the itch, it is taking way too long to heal.
On Thursday we sailed to Sale Cay, it was a really nice day, and the sailing was quite easy. The cay is just a jut of land, no inhabitants, a good place to get out of the wind for the night. In the early morning the wind kicked  up to about 25 knots. We determined that the wind was too high and coming from the wrong direction which kept us from traveling. We hung out on the boat all day Friday, the guys read books and I worked on my needlepoint. Today we were able to get out of the cay by 8 am and sailed to Spanish Cay, we got here about 3 pm. We were able to get showers and have dinner on land. I talked to a nurse about my bites (did I mention they itch?) and she said they should be better by tomorrow. I am to take benderyl to counter act the itching. This is not fun!
Tomorrow we will sail to Green Turtle Cay, weather permitting. We are making our way down to the Abaco's, where Bert and I will eventually catch our flight from Marsh Harbor to get back home. This is really a great adventure, but Bert and I are starting to day dream about our own bed, hot baths and plentiful fruits and vegetables.
The weather was sunny today , with a partial cloud cover and bumpy water.These bug bites do not like hot sun. I may not be doing any deck fluffing! We were told that we need to be where we want to be by Thursday because another cold front is moving in which will cause more wind than we want to sail. Ah, the adventure of it all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We Made It!

We got up at 4:30 and were on the Atlantic by 5:30 a.m. The Atlantic was pretty bumpy, we were thrashed around for over half the trip. The sea did eventually calm down, but we were so happy to get into the Bahamas.We are at a dock at West End, Bahamas. On the other side of the dock is the ocean, so we got out (after pouring champagne) and took a nice long walk on the beach. I am so excited about being here! It was not always easy, but that is part of the adventure.
Tomorrow we will sail a little farther south and secure a mooring ball. But we are happy with our dockage, showers....since it is in the 80's and very humid, it's nice to get that shower. We have encountered "no-see-ums" which are biting like crazy. Bug spray deters them from one spot, but being persistant, they will find the unsparyed area. I hope this is not the norm! I tend to be the bait and everyone else stays bug free.

The ocean was an amazing shade of blue, some things you will never know until you experience it. The only wildlife we saw on the trip over was flying fish. Really! You would see a whole school of fish suddenly fly through the air. Their silver bodies against the back drop of dark blue is unforgettable.