We sailed to Green Turtle Cay yesterday, we sailed the whole way with the main sail and jib up. Usually we have the engine going too, so yesterdays sail was really fun. The Green Turtle Cay is very nice, good showers, nice people. A couple docked next to use recognized his boat from a sailing trip Andy does in Maine every year. They gave us a lot of good information on getting phone service and internet service while we are here.
Today we are going to sail to Marsh Harbor, then settle in until Bert and I fly out. It will be nice to stay in one place for a while, it gets tiring to be on the move all the time. We will be able to re-stock and explore the island.
My bug bites are better, my dad e-mailed me with a remedy, thanks dad!
GREAT BLOGS!!! Many are following your "ADVENTURE".......has been great fun tracking your experiences. Who will be the new "Blogmaster" when Deanna leaves? Hope we get lots more info and pictures of this wonderful cruise.