Monday, November 14, 2011

Lake Worth, FL

We sailed the Atlantic to Lake Worth, FL, it was fairly bumpy, but not too bad. We are going to stay here two nights, and weather permitting, we will sail to the Bahama's on Wesnesday.
We are finally warm, the humidity is 90%, quite different from what we have experienced so far. The weather report stated tomorrow's temperature will be in the 80's. Yikes!!!!
Tomorrow we will some boat cleanup, we experienced quite a bit of salt spray while on the Atlantic. As we were coming into shore we have a few dolphin visitors...a very nice welcome.
Bert and I have made our airline reservations, we will be back to IF on Nov. 30th.


  1. You look fantastic for someone who has weathered the elements, and has not had the comforts of home. I enjoy reading of your adventures.

  2. is that one of Chris' old soccer shirts? haha
