Friday, March 9, 2012

International Women’s Day

Our Venezuelan friend, Maria Elena, declared Thursday International Women’s Day…a day where we must leave our husbands on the boat, and dedicate our time to being powerful women. ( a great excuse to go out to lunch). We began with a walk on the beach, then off to Yoga

Gayle at the Helm

. On the way back from Yoga, we had to give the international sign for “our dingy motor has water in the gasoline”….por favor senior can you help us? We were towed back to Gayle’s boat where we changed the gas tank and our soaking wet underwear, and headed into town. After a day of shopping at the straw market, lunch at the Peace and Plenty,

 Maria took us to the grocery store, to walk us through all of the local ingredients that we were going to use as she was the guest chef on Spiroserpula that evening. On our way back from town, we experienced what the boys warned us about. For one mile, every wave broke over the bow and we were laughing harder than the engine noise. However, as the water reached our ankles, bailing and laughing became a simultaneous activity. 

Bert blows the conch to announce sunset and dinner

Revitalized with a nice shower, we had a fantastic supper using local ingredients and hot peppers in every course.  A great day and some wonderful new recipes to send us on our way to Staniel Cay.

Bill made mango-habenero ice cream. Zesty!

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