Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lordy Lordy We Saw 40

In the middle of the big storm here. For those of you who know the Double Diamond beauty shop routine, around 4 o’clock we put our hair in rollers and go up to the top deck for a blow dry. (The captain has banned the hair dryer).  This evening as I approached the perch, the rollers blew right out of my hair! Three rollers overboard, with no intent to rescue!

Jeanne at the Beauty Shop in January
It’s been 30-35 all day and gusts to 40, just as predicted. Last night we hosted a storm gathering on DD, with a mere 20-25 knots, no problem. Tonight we hosted dinner with our immediate neighbor, “Onward”, the author of the Bahamas Cruising Guide. He made it over, but was soaking wet. The seas on the  outside are 10 feet and the high winds are predicted for 7 days. It looks like nobody will be leaving Georgetown for another week.

  On the VHF radio, the women are taking over the chatter…..”get me out of prison “ is a call heard today. We also heard a person that had a snake come out of their exhaust pipe when they started the engine. Gayle, the marine biologist, came on the radio and stated that there are no sea snakes in the Bahamas. There is an snake eel, which I believe is what we saw in Hopetown. So, the snake stories continue. 

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely going to have a hard time adjusting to "life on the neck" after this Bahamian experience - what a blast!!
