Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Exumas, first stop

The photo above is of our 4 crew leaving DD and heading for the airport from Spanish Wells several days ago.We left Eluthra from Powell Point, and had a nice 30 mile sail to the Exumas in the ocean. We are currently in the Exumas at Warderick WellsCay, in the Exumas Land and Sea Park,where wildlife is protected.We did  a little snorkelling and walked a trail over some rough rock, waded a salt water pond, and climbed up BooBoo hill, the highest point on the cay, with a 360 degree view. We've been dodging rain showers today. Windy weather is coming around Monday And Tuesday, so we want to head for a protected anchorage before then. Internet connections are sparse down here, so we might be out of touch at times.

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