Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nature in the Bahamas

A day of sightings….finally the wind settled down and we were able to get out and do some ocean exploring. Some by kayak, some by dingy and some on the big boat.  Kayaking in Royal Harbour we discovered a small reef and were able to spot some fan coral, turtles,sea urchins,  starfish and a ray.  While fishing off the back of the DD, were excited to be accompanied by a school of flying fish. In addition  we had porpoises  following the boat. We scrambled for the camera, but then decided to just relax and enjoy the experience. So, no photographic proof, but a good memory.

Skip and Peg out exploring
Heading back to Spanish Wells to prepare for to Harbour Island in the morning. We have hired a pilot, “Little Woody” to take us through Devil’s Backbone”.  The ladies are looking forward to a dinner ashore, a needed break from the cooking. The boys will look forward to a break from the dishes

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