Monday, January 9, 2012

Spanish Wells

The New Bedford part
The day-glo part
Spanish Wells is like a day glo painted New Bedford. A fishing town, specializing in langoustines, the harbor is busily humming along with boating activity. The Spanish Wellers have an unusual accent, not quite British, Bahamian, or American , yet somewhere in between standing quite on it’s own. 

We call this our beach villa!
The architecture is colorful, the houses dating back 150 years. Today we will rent a golf cart to explore the island and do errands. Jeanne and I met a couple who is letting us use the front porch of their beach house and their free wifi. It took Dave and Andy  a little while to settle into the idea of sitting on someone else’s porch and settling it in, but with a Kalik in hand, they relaxed into the moment.


  1. I've lost a few days!!! Glad the crossing was a breeze and that you are in Spanish Wells. Also it's a good thing the 2 men in the hole are successful at whatever they try. Sounds like a good name for new drink "2 men in the hole". Guess it could have other meanings?!?
