Tuesday, January 31, 2012

to Staniel Cay

Jan 31 2012
We moved to Shroud Cay for a couple of nights, another cayin the Exumas Land & Sea Park. There are no people on this cay, also nophone service and no wi-fi, so we were out of touch for a while. We thenreturned to Warderick Wells Saturday, where they had a cocktail party on thebeach in the evening. We met some of our fellow cruisers, including one guy,Forrest, from Portsmouth,RI, a retired electrical engineer.We are always learning things from the people we meet. Warderick Wells haswi-fi for a fee, but it was not working well. Some windy weather wasapproaching, so we decided to sail south to Staniel Cay. We had a good sail,and found a place to anchor near the town. The wind did pick up last night, butnot too strong, about 20 knots, instead of the 30 knots they predicted. Thetown is small, but there are 3 stores to get groceries. Each one is smallerthan our living room at home, and none had the olives for Dave’s martinis. Wedid get some basics, and were able to get our propane tank refilled. We’ll stayhere Tues and Wed night, then, when the wind dies down, proceed to LittleFarmer’s Cay, which is 15 miles further South toward Georgetown. We think we’llsee the Pats in the Superbowl there. We have 2 weeks to get to Georgetown,where Judy, Sarah, and Todd will fly in to join the trip.

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